Why SiteNavi

Remote Site Visits

SiteNavi is the first in industry leading Site Inspection workflow tool built specially for clinical researchers. SiteNavi is destination for Research site, Clinical Research Organization and Trial Sponsor who want faster delivery to research site facility approval for studies in clinical trials. We focus on ensuring that research can continuously go on without the need to physically be there.

End the old costly ways and start with the new and more efficient way.

Why SiteNavi

  • Easy approval on PSV or SIV by CRAs
  • Detail Review of site facility room images and videos, equipment's and calibration documents
  • Easy tracking of what is rejected, approved or pending
  • Custom Questionnaires by CROs/Sponsors
  • Helps ensure continuity of Research Trial and care
  • Cost savings on travel. Millions of dollars in expense back in your pocket
  • Eliminate Travel time and cost of startup
  • Cuts PSV or SIV or continuous review time and expense by 90%
  • More efficiency on site approval
  • Use our technology worldwide with language translator.
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